Michael L.

  • This photo is titled “LOVE”. The image is a representation of the complexly of love. It brings me back to the mental space I was in at the time, allowing me to reflect on how far I’ve come. It's a window into my mind, but I hope my art also serves as a mirror for any viewers, allowing them to appreciate their own emotions. As you travel through the image, a story is created, one that is unique to the viewer. Photos can be interpreted in an infinite amount of ways. I create visual art to allow viewers to analyze a photo, creating a unique message or story that is special to them. I want my photography to inspire people to be more in touch with their emotions and recognize the benefits of emotional expression. We often associate positive emotions with beauty and negative emotions with ugliness, which I intend to challenge. Through depicting negative and positive emotions/experiences in a pleasing way, I hope to encourage others to find the beauty all emotions, even the ones we consider "ugly".

  • Photography has helped overcome the fear of forgetting memories. When colors collide there's a second of separation, but these moments die young. Clashing colors will inevitably mix and the moment is gone, but purple is still blue and red. lost memories are the colors that have blended into us.


The Last Dawn

