
Kayla L.

  • This photo was taken on a trip with my family to Costa Rica. We visited a local farm and were introduced to a patch of pineapples. When I saw them, I was in such awe! I had never imagined pineapples to grow in such a perfectly patterned or beautiful way, and—much to my family's annoyance—I did an impromptu photoshoot with these pineapples. This is one of my favorite photos I've ever taken because I believe it lets nature sing quite genuinely. I didn't tell the pineapple in the photo to pose, or artificially arrange its leaves in a way that I thought looked good, because it was just naturally dazzling. This pineapple, with its natural radiance, was a gem.

  • Exploring and expressing my creativity impacts my life because it gives me confidence and empathy: with my camera, I feel empowered to look at social issues closer, appreciate nature better, and find beauty in the world around me.



