Eye of the Beholder

Naman R.

  • Title: Eye of the Beholder

    Medium: Graphite and Charcoal

    Dimensions: 24" x 36" (two 18" by 24" pieces of paper taped together)

    While the components of this piece (including a paper boat on a waterfall, which is flowing out of the pupil of an eye) may seem to hint at a deeper meaning, it is actually devoid of any. When I began drawing this piece, I wanted to create an image that provided an abstract, yet solid foundation to build an interpretation upon, while not actually attributing any meaning to it myself.

    It interested me to wonder about what unique significance every individual viewer would find in my art; so, I picked up a pencil and began drawing, and five months later, I ended up with this piece. Some people think it represents the flow of life, and how, like the paper boat, we are at the mercy of wherever life chooses to take us, be it through a tunnel of beauty or into a void. To others, it invokes a more positive outlook; for example, one person saw the simplicity of life (represented by the paper boat) hidden by all the complexities of living (represented by the detailed iris), with the flow of water eventually bringing the simplicity out of the complexity.

    In this ever progressing world, good art has ceased to be defined by the meaning given to it by its creator, and instead by the meaning found by the viewer. As the title states, the true meaning of my art lies in the Eye of the Beholder.

  • The exploration and expression of creativity in my life serves as a medium to bring joy to others and myself. I enjoy creating art to brighten up a room, to give as a gift of appreciation, or simply to make someone's day better. All these things also act as a simple delight for myself.


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