Autumn Rush

Arushi K.

  • My artistic process typically consists of getting into a free and calm mindset through listening to music and simply examining some of my paint brushes. This piece of artwork is based off of a painting of Bob Ross that really stuck out to me because of its vivid colors. I love painting colorful works of art and bringing life to nature through art. Although creating this painting was not a straight-forward process and involved me panicking over certain mistakes, I was able to harness my errors to make the painting look as unique as possible. My mistakes ended up defining my painting and making it stick out from previous works that I had made before.

  • Being an artist and utilizing my creative allows me to feel free, encourages me to try new things, and impacts my life through the way I examine things and the perspective I have. Expressing my creativity through multiple avenues brings meaning to the work I do as I always strive to be dedicated.


Lights at Home


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