An Unexpected Evolution

Theo S.

  • Title:”An Unexpected Evolution” Medium: Acrylic paint on canvas. This painting was the first thing that I have gone through with for a while, recently I’ve been in a bit of an art block and wanting to do my first serious painting. During this time I had a couple of ideas but never followed through with any of them, but this idea exited me. I mainly worked on it after school, on winter break, then after school again, it really was something that I could always go to to take my mind off of things. The painting depicts a pumpkin with a large cut taken out of it, revealing what appears to be flesh and bone. I wanted to to go for an almost surreal tone and I achieved that with very minor details, like the flesh being cut in a way that would be impossible to do without cutting the bone, yet the bone is still intact. I also wanted to mention that all the white specks that appear in the background are not visible in person, and are merely the texture that I added to the varnish showing itself in a *non preferable* way, and in person the texture adds to the painting, instead of harming it.

  • Exploring and expressing my creativity is currently impacting my life by giving me something entertaining to do after school that can fit what I need to calm down. Whether its letting of some steam on the drums or getting cozy with a show, paint brush, and easel.


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