
Manisha M.

  • My piece of artwork is a collection of poems I have written throughout the last year. They are unrelated to each other except for their titles, which are all single words with the dictionary definitions for them printed under the title. The words each relate to the subject of the poem, mostly in a metaphorical way. The poems all speak to different experiences, from more surreal, imaginative descriptions to expressions of my personal feelings, or both. While they are connected through the formatting of the titles, the poems themselves are not related to each other. They were written at different times in my life, and are about the things I wanted to write about at that time. When it comes to the artistic process, I try to come up with an idea based on a feeling or a simple concept. Afterwards, I base a draft of a poem around that skeleton and edit that. Each of my poems is based around a concept or idea, and the word chosen as the title and the definition under it reflect the poem’s theme.

  • To me, creativity means being able to express yourself in a way personal and unique to you, whether it is about your own personal feelings or experiences, crafting a story about someone else, or writing nonfiction. Creativity in writing for me means being able to express yourself freely.


La Llorona


I Will Walk With You