oh my child

Adeline V.

  • My piece "oh my child" is about the loss of the child like innocence we all once had and the guilt a person may feel for losing it. I felt that this is something that many people experience at any point in there life but isnt always talked about. I mean can you remember when you stopped getting exited over the simplest things? When does a person grow up and why do you never see it coming. When do trees stop looking the brightest shade of green? When does it all mute. All these questions inspired this piece. I hope that my piece can help people realize the sooner they start looking at the world through the eyes of the child they once were the sooner they will realize how important it is to never lose that side of yourself.

  • Creativity for me means being yourself to the fullest extent. Allowing your brain, body, and soul to function in the way that feels most natural without judgement or limits to confide to.


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