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do you recognize me?
I made this piece using two reference photos of ancestors from both my mom’s and dad’s families.
Moo Moo and Lamby
I painted two stuffed animals that I used to play with when I was younger.
The Apartment of Past Lives
Endlessly wandering in a complex of labyrinth-like stairs are past versions of myself ranging from childhood to more recent years.
Censor Our Planet
I aim to present with my painting how we tend to attempt to call to save the environment, but lack meaningful action.
Jelly fish in water
For this piece i used water color and i chose jellyfish because i like the texture the the tentacles create and the movement that they create.
The Real Me
The class assignment was to create a self portrait, and I had this splash of inspiration in my head of turning my self portrait into a pirate.
Tree On Fire Sliceform
My abstract sculpture combines jagged, leaf-like shapes with bold red and white colors.
The Girl Stuck in the Drawing
My artwork is describing the girl being stuck in the drawing and how it’s only half of her face that’s being stuck in the drawing.
My Literary and Visual Analysis and Representation of Edgar Allen Poe’s ’The Raven’
I was assigned to do a literary analysis essay for English class, and so I picked The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe as my piece.
Transymtomatic is a representation of mental health struggles of transgender people.
Echoes of the Deep
I started ceramics my sophmore year, and despite no other seniors sticking with it for all three years, I did and it has remained my favorite class.
Sunrise in the Deep
I took ceramics my sophomore year, dropped it to double in science my junior year, then picked it back up for my senior year.
This piece encapsulates the sorrowful feelings of heartbreak, whether through the tears rolling down the cheeks or the longing gaze.
What Lies Beyond the Sea Shelf’s Edge
This work was originally inspired by Agnosiophobia which is the fear of not knowing.
Perseverance in the ashes
It is a portrait of a firefighter working in brutal and harsh conditions.
Alice in The Rabbit Hole
Alice falling down the Rabbit Hole was inspired by my childhood and my love for Disney movies.