My Literary and Visual Analysis and Representation of Edgar Allen Poe’s ’The Raven’

Forrest J.

Gouache, Paper, Printer ink

  • I was assigned to do a literary analysis essay for English class, and so I picked The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe as my piece. After writing the report, I felt like the assignment needed more. So I took from the poem and my response to create a visual representation. In the painting I tried to implement seamless transition from one frame to the next, following the author’s spiraling mania, and with vivid colors and imagery to evoke the same feeling his angry words do. I really liked how this piece turned out, and it was incredible experience for learning to paint things like glass, fire, and mirrors, all of which I’ve never done before.

  • Creativity, to me, is the expression of our inner energy. It looks different for everyone, but everyone has a basic need to express that tumultuous energy that dwells inside of us.


The Girl Stuck in the Drawing


La Corrida