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Strawberry is a poem written about the hardships of making a new friend that doesn’t necessarily understand you the way you may want.
I wrote my piece piece to explore the intersections of sexuality and bringing to light some personal stories.
Charred Anchovy
This is a piece inspired by my mother’s recollection of her childhood in Vietnam.
Pass Me A Paper
Inspired by USC’s application prompt, ”Write a scene between two characters.
Yearning For More
I had this poem that I had made for my creative writing program last semester and I am really proud of it since I was able to kinds of show my emotions through words.
rite of passage
Not long after the Apalachee High School Shooting in September, I was sitting in my calculus class at school, daydreaming about everything but calculus, when I began to think about what I might do if an active shooter appeared on our own campus.
Fool’s Game
I was inspired was inspired by one of my favorite shows, Billy The Kid (2022), and favorite games, Red Dead Redemption 2.
A Shadow of the Evening
I wanted to write a piece about the complexities of human beings and how the imagination often takes over our inner lives.
Raging Fires
Raging Fires is a poem that describes the relationship between humans, specifically consumers, and Mother Earth.
The Light of the Star
I wanted to create a poem that can be interpreted in different ways based on the audiences experience.
The Assailant
Although this work is classified as non-fiction, the elements of the writing are personal to me and reflect moments during the span of this year where I felt my sadness had transformed into anger.
Within the Music
Within the Music is a historical fiction piece set in World War 2, portraying the significance of music and the arts, and their profound preasense in difficult moments.
four years ago, today
I wrote this in September in honor of Suicide Awareness Month as my perspective on what I would observe and how I would feel if I ended my own life and was still able to see my loved ones.
it’s all life
I wrote these three poems at different points. I wrote ”KEEP DREAMING” when I was thinking about immigrant families and the American Dream, and how dreams are passed on from parents to children.