second nature

Caila K.

  • This poem is one about the duality of hating yourself. How out of body (quite literally) it can feel, yet how natural it can also seemingly be. It combines the disgust that I often feel when I catch myself in self-hate spirals, but also the bleakness and the sadness that also is carried with it. There’s a sense of knowing that self-loathing is bad for you, but also an incapability to stop falling into it. The words used are very grotesque and potentially ”eww” worthy, but it’s meant to spark feelings of discomfort.

  • To me, creativity is genuine, emotionally charged. It’s often the most raw, pure form of someone, an offering of their soul. Creative works are also subjective--they don’t always resonate with everyone, and I don’t believe it’s as genuine if it’s created with the intention of pandering.




On Being A Woman In America