
Sara D.


  • How do I see you? How do you see me? They say the eyes are the window to the soul, but how often do we truly look beyond the glass? We as humans tend to form judgments solely based on fleeting glimpses we catch of each other, a puzzle that is yet to be completed. So what does it mean to really “see” someone, not just through the lens of external appearances or superficial traits? Through this piece, I wanted to play with the concept of perception, and what it’s like to see a person for who they really are. Seeing their ”true colors,” if you will.

  • Everyone has a wild imagination. The ability to dream the impossible into possible. Bridging the gap between dreaming and doing is where things get tricky. When someone is able to take an idea, a concept of pure theory, and turn it into something real, that is creativity to me.


Selfie Identity


Shim Cheong’s Sacrifice