Garth Knox Viola Spaces no 8 - Up, down, sideways, round
Rebekah S.
Garth Knox’s Viola Spaces are a series of pieces that explore extended techniques in the growing diversity of styles in classical music playing. Particularly in No.8, several different out-of-tradition bow techniques including vertical, pan pipes, spazzolato, circular, and helicopter are used to exemplify the growing range of musicianship on the viola. Knox’s specialized unique approach, as well as the release date of the music on March 24, 2009 – exactly a year after I was born – allowed me to be more personally connected to the music itself and create my own touch to the exploratory techniques.
To me, creativity is a means to explore adventures unique to my thoughts and emotions without being afraid of being judged or criticized. Creativity allows me to stretch beyond the bounds of what has already been done, designing and originating something that truly represents me.