A Cramped Slumber Party

Jasper J.

  • Biking under a Highway 101 overpass this summer, I heard a curious squeaking sound. Skidding to a stop, I looked around and saw directly overhead a small opening in the bridge, called a weephole. Crowded inside the six-inch hole was a squirming mass of tiny bats. Most of the bats were pallid bats, with a few Mexican free-tailed bats as well, ranging in size from 2.5-3.5 inches. I braced myself on the slopping gravel under the bridge, trying to get a clear shot in the low-light conditions. As I looked through the viewfinder, I noticed an individual bat start to move to the front of the group and let out a big yawn.

  • Photography is my way of showcasing the beauty, functionality, and design of God’s creation. Creativity should reflect the love I have for my subject, and be edifying and encouraging to others.


Nature’s Gradients


11 Wishes