Your Gonna Miss Me

Chiara P.

  • “Your Gonna Miss Me” is a piece about leaving the past behind and finally moving forward. This past year I graduated eighth grade and started my freshman year of high school. As I was experiencing all of these changes, dance was my outlet. I wanted to convey all of the emotions I was experiencing in my solo piece to not only show my growth as a dancer, but embrace the changes that were happening rapidly in my life. Although I was sad to leave my friends, I was really excited about starting high school and starting a new chapter in my life. I am wearing a yellow dress to show the brightness that lies in the future even if there was a little sadness leaving the past behind. I worked hard for a couple of months piecing this dance together and practiced with my coaches Kira Fargas and Hadassah Perry to work on my technique and form. This piece gives me the ability to show my transformation into my teenage years and allows me to convey all the complex emotions I am feeling.

  • Creativity to me, is a chance to show all of what you feel on the inside and express it outwardly. Creativity is boundless and it allows me to be more authentic in everything that I do and also take risks.




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