
Felix F.

  • I believe that an artists most valuable resource is exploration. Whether that be challenging yourself to explore a whole new area of your art form or trying to redefine something familiar. In dance, I find that when I take time to connect back to the purest form of movement, and really feel what it’s like to move is when I begin to create meaningful progress. I experienced this realization this past summer when I was in an environment that valued exploration heavily. I wanted to display that new found excitement in this piece harnessing all that I’ve learned this summer. The music, which beautifully combines contrasting tempos, provides another catalyst for even more research. I hope to embody the essence of artistic growth and the joy of continuous discovery.

  • I believe that creativity is woven into everything we do. It is a way to turn seemingly mundane moments into something memorable and fun. Creativity has no rules and looks different for every person. I feel most creative when I try and come up with something new in Dance.




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