Thin Ice

Maya J.

Acrylic Paint, 16" x 20" Canvas

  • With this piece I wanted to demonstrate the internal pressure I feel in my sport. I feel so much passion for figure skating, but along with it comes expectations. The ice cracking beneath me demonstrates the uncertainty, anxiety, and self doubt I can feel as an athlete. The figure in full view is me reaching downward towards the cracks. This is a reflection of the empathy I wish others would express to me, in lending me a hand when I feel this way. This piece is also a promise that if I ever see someone struggling the way I have, I will not hesitate to reach out to them.

  • Creativity is something that has been a part of me since I was little. I always strive to train my creativity any way I can. I use it as a therapy to escape the trials and the mundane box life can put us in.


Harmony in Diversity

