
Angie Y.


  • This artwork reflects the grief and sorrows of an old man. The man is staring into the distance with the destruction of buildings left by an earthquake reflected in his glasses. In 2008, a devastating earthquake hit Wenchuan County in Sichuan, China. The earthquake killed nearly 70,000 people, and left demolished buildings surrounded by rubble. The result of this disaster is captured through the man’s eyes, which carry grief and guilt as he can only watch, unable to help. His glasses symbolize his ability to clearly see the devastation left behind and the lives closest to him lost.

  • Creativity means expressing yourself in a unique way. Creativity is more than just ideas, it is a form of expression used to show one's true self. For me, it means using art to illustrate what I observe. I use art to convey thoughts and emotions that words cannot capture.


Thin Ice


The Ties that Binds Us