The Ties that Binds Us

Emma K.

Watercolor on Watercolor Paper

  • The meaning I was trying to portray through this piece is that love can be both harmful as well as upsetting. I also wanted to play into the idea of read strings of fate, and how people are destined to be together. On the left side, I chose to depict more of a deadly, hurtful love. I did this by making the strings look like they are hurting the hand that it’s wrapped around. On that same side, I decided to add some Heliotrope flowers to the border frame. These flowers are often depicted as meaning love, but seeing as they are a poisonous flower, it felt fitting to use them. On the right side, I tried to depict the string almost causing the person sadness. Maybe they are sad that they are connected to this person or the fact that they could be in love with someone else. The flowers that I decided to put on this side of the frame are called Forget Me Nots. These flowers are also normally depicted with love, but seem to have an undertone of saying that you will not forget them.

  • To me, creativity means taking ideas you have and expressing them in unique and interesting ways. It could also mean thinking about unique and different ideas for problems people could be facing.




Fibonacci Tower