The Mandalorian

Megan V.

Adobe Illustrator, Computer

  • This artwork was created as an assignment in my Graphic Design class. To create this piece, I had to outline six different shades of gray, a tedious process that took many hours to complete. Separating the shades of gray as well as putting good outlines took many hours to complete, but the end result was worth it. After outlining the different shades of gray, I filled them all in, working out adjustments and the stacking of layers as I did so. After picking a background color I was finished! It was an enjoyable, though tedious, process to go through and I learned a lot about Graphic Design through this process.

  • Creativity means the expression of new ideas, whether through artwork, writing, philosophy, etc. Creativity could be an entirely new idea or growing on already existing ideas. Creativity is connecting ideas together in unique ways. Creativity is vital to my values and the world's values.


Blooming Beauty


The Eyes of My Dad