The Eyes of My Dad

Ione D.

online drawing using Procreate

  • This piece holds many different meanings to me. It is mainly about the love I hold for my dad and the love I have for the way he views the world. My dad has dyslexia, mainly when someone hears that they will think of it being harder to read or to write, nobody thinks about the benefits. Being dyslexic for my dad is more about the way it opens his mind, while yes he may think differently than most and it may not be the most helpful in a standard class, he gets to look at things differently. He gets to see, enjoy, explore, and experience the world in an entirely different way than anyone would expect. While all of these things could be said about anyone because realistically everyone had their own way of seeing, what made this part of my dad so important to me is that he presented dyslexia like this to me my whole life. He made it so much easier for me to accept the fact that I was dyslexic as well and hold it like it was a gift. My dad has used his way of seeing to change my way of seeing into loving myself a little bit more. So for this piece I drew the eyes of my dad, I drew his way of seeing.

  • Creativity feels very personal to me. I believe all of us are creative. We show it in different ways, meaning creativity is different for everyone. For me creativity is the vastness of my mind and anything I do that expresses who I am and what creativity is to me.


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