Taste of Home

Connie N.

Digital art using the platform "ibis paint."

  • The inspiration that comes from my artwork is the Vietnamese dish ¨pho.¨ There is nothing more nostalgic than eating your culture´s food, all the familiar notes, textures, and flavors are why I love it so much. It´s just like how you can´t forget what your mom´s homemade food tastes like, food can help relieve your childhood, and help open up memories and flavors you didn´t realize you missed. In my childhood, I´ve always loved eating pho, a warm soup is just what is needed to warm up your soul. Having all the elements of sunshine, soup, and reminisces of home, is all what reminds me of what it feels to be comforted. The transparency of the beef broth, the tender feeling of the meat, the crunchiness of spring onions, and the chewy or qq texture of rice noodles. I remember feeling the warmth of sunlight setting on the dinner table whenever my mom would cook noodles for me after school, that´s what inspired me to add lighting to the picture. I wanted to give a good light to my culture´s food, and attempt to make others feel the same amount of warmth whenever I eat Pho too. Pho is a taste from home, and I will never forget that.

  • Creativity, expression, and abstractness comes from the mind and if you let it go of whatever you´re visualizing, whatever you want to experiment with, you can create something beautiful. There is no reason for art, beauty, or looks. Art is just there and it's depicted in different ways..


Tee Off


Touch the Heart