Touch the Heart

Valerie L.

Acrylic Paint

  • This painting encapsulates a moment Chinese families know all too well. It pictures the scene of a young girl eating traditional dim sum dishes, such as chow mein (炒面), steamed dumplings (小笼包), stewed beef with radish (萝卜炆牛腩), and spicy boiled fish soup (水煮鱼) alongside her family. Dim sum, which directly translates to “touch the heart,” has deep roots in Chinese culinary traditions, and the practice has evolved over centuries. Its origins can be traced back to the teahouses along the Silk Road, where travelers would stop for tea and snacks. Over time, the practice spread and became integral to Chinese culinary culture. It has become a widespread practice for family gatherings and social events where families and friends can share a lively conversation and a comforting meal.

  • Creativity is the art of bringing emotion onto a canvas. Through colors, strokes, and forms, artists can convey their heart into their work, inviting viewers to think and connect with the artwork's meaning. In my painting, I pushed to invoke the sentiment of comfort and warmth to the viewer.


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