Spider Lily Love

Tae S.

Digital (Procreate)

  • This piece is a representation of forbidden love. It is bittersweet in that people can be connected in beautiful ways, and that relationship can still be dangerous or impossible, much like spider lilies. For me, this piece is also an extension of how I see queer love. I am queer, and many of my closest relationships, both platonic and romantic, have been or are with other queer people. To me, those connections are beautiful and essential to who I am, but there is always the reminder that it is dangerous to be who we are. Finally, this is a dedication to every impossible relationship I thought I wanted more than anything. My process for this work consisted of taking reference photos of my hands and looking for references of butterflies and shiny, transparent material. The bulk of the actual rendering was on the hands; I spent a lot of time fiddling with colors and what aspects of the hand (tendons, knuckles, nails) to emphasize to achieve the look I wanted.

  • To me, creativity means some kind of forming ideas and imagination that mean something to you or others or that you simply like to think about or make, regardless of whether or not those ideas can be translated into some form of expression.


Split Self-Portrait

