
Mira K.

Colored Pencil on Bristol Paper

  • I made this 9x12 colored pencil piece when I made when I was extremely ill. This is a creative portrait of my dog, Gaia (aka Moose), and I. With this piece, I really wanted to express my feelings of sickness- make individuals as uncomfortable viewing it as I was at that time. The background depicts imagery from my body or online references, depicting the multiple illnesses I was experiencing at the time. These illnesses were an eye and skin infection, laryngitis and cold-like symptoms that knocked me out for two + weeks. I attempted an effect while making this piece in which I place realistic figures in an impossible setting, which is a process that I have been experimenting with recently. Overall this piece was an investigation into representing non-visual feelings through a visual medium in a style that feels authentic to me and my artwork.

  • For me, creativity is representing a perspective of the world. It is taking inspiration from elements around me, combining those inspirations with my internal thoughts and emotions, and producing a product that attempts to express those intentions.


Spider Lily Love


Shaded Chapters