O Del Mio Dolce Ardor by Gluck

Landuoer W.

  • This is one of my favorite classical songs that I've sung. When I was first assigned this piece, I fell in love with it and immediately learned all the notes. However, I also ran into challenges during my process of honing the piece. For example, breath control, the ornaments, high notes, and large intervals required a lot of perseverance and growth. Furthermore, because this is an aria, there are many details in terms of emotional changes I had to really be specific about and a lot of artistic choices to make. When the theme first comes, it starts with a flirty feeling, then as it comes back again in the end, there is more desperation. Overall, I really enjoyed the process of working on this piece and am so happy to be able to perform it.

  • Creativity means taking anything and adding your own imagination and vision to it. It applies to all art and not just art.




Cello Concerto Mov. 1 by Dvorak