
Sophie L.

  • From afar, this piece looks like a blank, beige square. Yet if one takes time to look closely, faces composed from unassuming objects start coming to focus. When I was little, to amuse myself, I would stare at the walls, at the thick white paint plastered in such a way that various textures were apparent, lines thick and thin dancing about the surface. Human brains naturally generalize patterns, excelling at recognizing faces and so I delighted myself in finding shapes of faces in the wall. The world seemed magical to me as a child, a sense that fades with the busyness of maturity. Through this piece, I want the audience to disengage from their chaotic worlds for a while and look for the small things, a tiny face, a little glimmer of light, moments for joy that have been present but undetected all along.

  • Creativity means curiosity leading into transformation, molding and crafting something new. It's the guiding force of all we do; without creativity, we wouldn't have scientific discoveries, technological innovation nor spiritual satisfaction. Creativity is inseparable with growth.


Lost Art


O Del Mio Dolce Ardor by Gluck