Lost Art

Benicio M.

  • I am currently taking an analog photography coarse, but this photo I took in august of this year has inspired me to strive to take every chance I can take to make my photos stand out from more basic photos. I think the confusion and the colliding factors of photos like these are what photography is all about. When I was out playing sports with my friends, a person that lived near this park came up to us to share this peice of artwork he had found. It was a old broken sculpture of a native American figurehead. me and most of my friends thought this was really interesting. I thought this would be a perfect time to capture a moment in time that will never happen again. The interesting nature of this phot was captured and I didn't think about it until a few hours before submitting this forum. I hape whoever is reading this enjoys this photo as much as me.

  • It means a way to express myself as an artist and put how I conceptualize things in my brain out into the world. It means being able to think or create something new or at least new to me or the people around me in my community.


Moon Dog

