Melodic Ether

Siah B.

  • "Melodic Ether" is an introspective film following my personal connection with music, along with my analysis on that connection. This film was made during my time at a multimedia program where this was my final submitted work after a duration of six months in honing in on what i wanted to speak on in my own media. I spent months filming, brainstorming a shot list, recording audio, picking music, and making sure that the editing properly represented an idea that was so important for me to convey. my hope is not only that this film reaches others but also guides them into their own interpersonal connection with whatever it may be that inspires them. just as I did.

  • creativity to me means processing one's own experience with the human condition and finding ways to express that to themselves and usually others. but even two people could look at one film and draw their own entirely different meaning from it which was my goal.


The Hummingbird


The Graveyard