Follicle Movement

Sareena K.

  • This photo captures the beauty of my friend's hair when she rakes her fingers through it. I used studio lighting for this picture which helped to capture the glossy, silky, and smooth texture of her hair. Although she does have blonde hair, I chose to make the image in monochrome because it allows the subject (my friend) to blend in with the background and still have the audience drawn to her shining hair. I love the movement in how she rakes her fingers through her hair, as well as the overall beauty of this image.

  • Without the opportunity to be creative through art, writing, or even in some of my day-to-day activities, I would not be able to feel free and confident enough to express myself. Having the opportunity to be creative is crucial to my well-being and happiness as a person.


Don't Puncture the Lemon


Is There Anybody Out There?