Don't Puncture the Lemon

Raya L.

  • A swirl of emotions, a mix of surprise. As I stared at the darkness, disbelief in my eyes. A taste of bitterness, not from the rind. But from the revelation of what I would find. The sweet illusion shattered, dreams dispersed. In the world of fruits, this one was cursed. A captivating lemon, with allure to share? Yet cloaked in shadows, secrets laid bare. The aroma misled. A deceptive clue. I pondered the meaning, what did it construe? The sour and sweet, a metaphor, perhaps. Life's contradictions, its intricate traps. Sometimes what glitters is not pure gold. Beneath the facade, the true story is told. The knife in my hand, a tool of truth. Unveiling the secrets, uncovering the truth. I gazed at the lemon, now torn and laid bare. A cautionary tale, a lesson to beware. I cleaned the knife, set the lemon aside. Reflecting on the journey, this emotional tide. A sprinkle of sour, a dash of sweet. Life's unpredictable flavors, a challenge to meet.

  • Victa: To Conquer. So, let the word "victa" resonate in your soul as a call to arms. In every stroke of your endeavors, in every hue of your experiences, may you find the power to victa, to conquer, and to CREATE a life that is uniquely yours.


Red Planet Memorial


Follicle Movement