Is There Anybody Out There?

Desmond F.

  • This piece depicts a subject (me) eerily alone in a dark barn, looking behind them into the darkness in search of something. This was taken during my personal exploration of the loneliness that characterized much of my youth, living in such a rural area, focusing on my confusion surrounding solitude, in that it should be uncomfortable, yet remains comfortable due to its unplaceable sense of nostalgia. I ensured I captured this photograph devoid of external help, thereby making myself utterly alone in the process, with only a tripod, digital camera, and flash at my disposal. Such a flash symbolizes my revealing and realization of my isolation – as, without that split second of intense light emanating from that flash, I would remain shrouded in darkness, all others oblivious to me and my search for anything. The barn, in itself, holds sentimental value, as it resides directly next to the house in which I spent a large portion of my youth, enacting a distinct sense of familiarity that exacerbates this nostalgia that I was attempting to ascertain, and recognizing the solace that I find in places, rather than people, in the darkest of times.

  • Creativity is the ability to use a set of experiences and references, no matter how attached one is to said articles of inspiration, to make something new. It, first and foremost, a method of expression -- externalizing the internalized in a pursuit distinct to the individual.


Follicle Movement

