Bitter Earth

Tessa G.

  • The lyrics about aging in Dinah Washington's "This Bitter Earth" (Lord, this bitter earth, Yes, can be so cold, Today, you're young, Too soon, you're old) resonated with me while caring for my grandmother with Alzheimer's Disease the last few months. I wanted to convey how I imagined my grandma must feel trapped in her mind where moments of clarity were more and more fleeting - did she trust her own thoughts? What it must be like to have your familiar earth and safe space slowly slip away, leaving uncertainty. The choreography evokes pushing through a disorienting fog and clinging to what is familiar.

  • Creativity to me is drawing a picture with my body that nobody has seen before. It's a way for me to express my emotions physically in a way that I struggle with on paper or with words. It's a freedom I can access within.



