
Rex F.

  • When I draw, I never start with an idea. I just draw a random shape (like the head circle in this piece), and let my brain go as I draw more and more details. Something is so satisfying about staying up way too late in order to finish a piece. It's as if everything is on pause while making art, and the feeling of accomplishment afterwards is fantastic. When thinking more about my artistic process, I always keep one thing in mind: I'm not making art because I want validation from others, but rather because I just love creating it in the first place. Even if no one saw my art, I'd still make it just as frequently. I believe that art doesn't have to conform to what other people want to see, and I try to always remember this while making art of my own.

  • In drawing, creativity means letting go of everything troubling me, while my hands seem to start drawing on their own. It's when my mind is at rest when I can be truly creative with my art, and simply sitting down to draw creates that therapeutic feeling. Art is both a reward and an anchor for me.


The Human Heart


From Inside the Cage