
Alima K.

  • Title: "Tranquility"

    Medium: Watercolors, Drawing Inks

    The title of my drawing is "Tranquility". To create this piece i mainly used watercolors and drawing inks for the outline. In this work i wanted to create my interpretation of having a mind at ease. Beforehand, i researched what i could use to create a calm atmosphere through the flowers, and i have decided that magnolia flowers would be the best choice as it represents stability and luck, which is the reason behind the main character being calm. I used colors and contrast to show the main focus point that is a woman surrounded by beautiful pink flowers. While creating this artwork my main idea is to show the best ability to create an aesthetically pleasing work with a deep meaning, and the best way to incorporate both of these aspects i decided to use watercolours that have a simple light feeling, but also create a dark background and thin outline for the main pieces of this drawing. Choosing the direction of the lighting on the woman was the challenging part of creating this work, since I wanted to give more meaning to the magnolia flowers, but not to dominate over the image of a woman. At this point i wanted to add more of an imaginary aspect and make them be the source of light that would shine on the woman's face. The color palette of this drawing was a very important thing for me to focus on, because i definitely wanted to add more dark blue since it is one of my favorite colors to use in my watercolor drawings. After finishing almost everything, adding the drawing inks was a huge risk as i was scared to ruin everything with thick outline that would make this drawing too messy and dominant above everything else, however i used the ink pen that gave an opportunity to create thin and sharp lines that the best can be seen in the flowers. A final touch of this entire drawing was adding stars and white lines in the background. I wanted to fill in the dark space of the background with something simple and not too overwhelming, and i think naturally flowing lines is the best solution in this case, because it continues an organic shaped lines that are already present in the magnolia's tree branch to use the similar patterns that are already present. Overall, this work is everything i wanted to use to create a beautiful artwork that would show my process of thoughts and interpretation of something that is so necessary for me as a student and an artist, feeling calm. I think that this is one of my best drawings that would represent my skill with using this medium.

  • Expressing my creativity became an irreplaceable part of my life since my childhood. It let's me be myself and explore new worlds, nobody else can imagine but me. I always want to become a better artist everyday to inspire others, because it makes me happy.


A Rose's Thorns

