The Window

Drayson J.

  • I was seeking out subjects that interacted with light in an interesting way when this window in my house caught my attention. This photograph, which I call "The Window", was shot with a digital camera. The photo's subject is a window with a translucent, almost opaque, coating. The coating is intended to prevent people from seeing in, but a side effect of that is that it creates a gradient of colors, as light can come through but does not formulate into a sharp image. Not only that, but the combination of textures, such as the cracks in the coating, adds variation and abstractness. All of these factors combined to create a subject that is visually appealing and tells a story, which are two of the most important things to me as a photographer.In terms of the picture I chose for this particular competition, I chose an image that most closely represent my artistic process. This image captures a high end luxury bag (Prada) lying on the ground. I named it Zipped in Affluence because I feel like the people in the top of the economic ladder are zipped up in their own world and are almost completely blind to the poverty around them, either voluntarily or involuntarily. Hence, the bag left on the floor. If the same bag was given to a man who lives on the streets, he would never let that object go out of sight.

  • In photography, the potential product can be great, but it takes time and skill to get there. Because of this, I am constantly learning new ways to express myself, as there is always something to improve on. I apply this skill to my life as well, viewing mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow.


Redwood Tree


Zipped in Alluence