sparkling from the inside

Isabella R.

  • Inner beauty will always shine through was my thought process when creating this artwork. That is why I included a zipper, unzipping across a woman’s face, on the inside filled with Swarovski crystals. It represents not only her inner shine, but the shine of all strong women. , I gave her toned arms, short hair, and a thin upturned brow all common trends for women of the 1920’s. This is because in the 1920’s, women began to gain more freedom, by showing more skin, having shorter hair, and of course fighting to join the work force. Her lips, I chose the color red, as it is a common symbol for classic femininity. I also chose to use many pastel colors, such as pink and purple, because yes she is a strong woman, but that doesn’t take away that she is again, feminine. For her most noticeable feature, her green skin, I chose this for a multitude of reasons. I didn’t want my woman to be only representing one group or another, this woman is an homage to all strong women. Green is a color often associated with things “natural”, so it is the most sensible color I could think of when deciding on a woman who represents the strength and inner beauty within all strong women.

  • Since I was young, my goal in life has been to explore as much as possible, creatively or otherwise. Art to me is never the same, there’s always something new to learn, it’s an exploration of different mediums and through that, myself.


Self Portrait

