Ponder the Zephyr

Ariana R.

  • My art process for this painting called “Ponder the zephyr” is based off of inspiration from the late and most known artist Vincent Van Gogh and his painting “ The starry night”. I loved how surreal the painting was and how the sky looked. Also how there was so much movement within his painting without it even moving. So I wanted to incorporate that into my painting and also throw my spin on it with instead of adding tall trees I added bodies. Because my mom’s dad always to her how the body is your car and you just need to maintain it and keep it kept up and it will take you where you need and most desire to go. Which is also why I added in the purple car into the painting to add some mystery but also a hint. I loved how the sky looked in “The starry night” painting, so I wanted to incorporate that into my painting by creating that sort of movement through the painting, but making it purple. As for the buildings in the painting, Van Gogh had regular shaped buildings, but personally me I love organic shaped homes so I added in organic shaped homes instead. Within this painting you will find lot’s of texture as well, I believe that texture is what brings a painting to life. I ultimately ended up loving this painting so much I had created a collection out of it, so this is one and first of many I did for this collection. What ponder the zephyr means to me is traveling with the wind, following wherever the wind takes you, hints the bodies and car, and the movement of the sky. I would say the most unique thing about my artistic process is that everything has a meaning that I create, but in the process of creating there is no meaning, I’m just creating. It’s not until I am fully finished with whatever I have created and sit on it for months, then I finally see the meaning and how everything correlates. And that’s exactly what happened with this painting it didn’t make sense until months after it was created. But that’s the process of my creation. And I think it’s the most exciting part about my art process.

    Title: Ponder the Zephyr pt.1

    Size: 16x20 2D

    Medium: Acrylic

    Media: Painting

  • Exploring and expressing my creativity impacts my life majorly! Since I am a multi-media artist exploring and expressing my creativity is an essential for me. Whether that be me creating a painting or an outfit, or even designing a room. The curious creativity is within me wherever I go.


Sea Mask

