Pixelated Period

Adriana C.

  • Title: Pixelated Period

    Art Medium: Visual Communication

    The artwork that I created was during my sophomore year in graphic design. We were told to design a "dissent" project. I designed my project based on how many girls around the world don't know about menstrual period cycle hygiene. This led me to a site that made me realize that not many people teach about the menstrual period and that many girls aren't aware of this cycle that happens at a certain age. With this in mind, I got inspiration from Susan's Kare Apple icons, which were pixel icons. These icons were small but very eye-catching. I then took the inspiration to create a pad with the menstrual period cycle occurring and created it in pixel form. For this element, it meant to me how women's menstrual period cycles are as small as a pixel to the eye but so significant to those who go through the menstrual cycle. The background was based on the flow of blood with different types of red, as a menstrual period cycle can be different colors of red. This all led to the final piece, which is more powerful because the pixel pad is large in size but is a small pixeled icon made larger for the human eyes, implying that the small pixels we can't see are how important they are to us that go through the process. The quote below is a summary of the website I read information from within the website URL.

  • Creativity allows me to view and shape a subject from different perspectives.


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