Phone Call

Giuli F.

  • I made the piece "phone call" while receiving some difficult news. A friend of mine had heard that a former friend of mine had started talking very negatively about me to groups of people. I think any teenager can relate to the anxiety of being the subject of someone else's judgement. People do not particularly care about two-sided stories as long as they are out of the line of fire. For that reason, people will always talk. I was on the phone getting this information, and realizing I didn't want to know what people said about me. Anyone who really knew me would know the truth, and that's what matters to me. Those people know how I protect my own peace and how I have grown. At the time, though, the idea of being talked about really hurt my feelings. I had yet to discover that people who talk this way about others suffer more because of gossip than anyone else. I had a lot to learn about life. So I talked on the phone with my friend about what was happening, and I drew my legs. I was wearing a big, light gray sweatshirt and I was crying, because I wanted to be liked by everyone. As I cried, I drew. And then I added details. And then value. And eventually, I had a beautiful piece of art to look at in my sketchbook. It was connected to a bad memory, but I was so proud of it that I didn't care. It became a symbol to me of the power my art held over me.

  • Expressing my creativity has saved my life. Whether I'm doing it through makeup or fashion, drawing or painting, or writing, creativity has been the most important part of my life for as long as I can remember. When going through difficult times, I would use my art to vent and release my emotions.


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