
Kira F.

  • With this photograph, I experimented with using intentional camera motion because I find that this technique expands the realm of photography and creates photos that are eye-catching, abstract and unique. I became fascinated with the way this technique produces images that have a 3-dimensional appearance and could easily be mistaken for an oil painting or watercolor. The purpose of intentional camera motion is to strip images down to the bare minimum, with no single focus, no edits and without multiple exposures. I wanted to take advantage of this technique to express deep emotion in a fluid image. To create this photo, I incorporated varying textures, colors and situations as a means of artistic expression. I was able to create movement in my piece and blend opposing aspects in order to leave my work up to interpretation. In a way, this is very similar to the reality of the world, what surrounds us often has conflicting meanings and interpretations. I am still growing as a photographer and continuously re-thinking how I approach photography, not as one stagnant scene that must be captured perfectly through a lens, but rather as a means of encompassing what surrounds me in a moment in time.

  • I enjoy using photography as a way to express my passions, such as taking photos of dogs, food and people. It’s another way to convey how I perceive the world to others.



