Look Within

Eliana H.

  • Click! Click! Click! I am taking this photo on a late crisp autumn night. My backyard is pitch black and the only light that is illuminating was the small hanging garden light. The small innocuous light bulb that people pass all the time, stops me and causes me to explore further. I approach the warm luminescence which sparks my creativity. I want to challenge myself to take a picture in the darkness, rather than having conventional lighting. I always strive to organically capture a scene rather than having a contrived set-up. I like to look at the minutia of details that people do not necessarily notice the first time. I always view a scene from many different angles to portray the subject’s unique strength, personality, or emotion. I do not use any flash, knowing it would cause glare to the light bulb and ruin the photo. I want to capture the warmth of the light contrasting the isolating cold darkness. The coruscating light that emits from the bulb lights up the charcoal background naturally. The rush of the cool autumn breeze freezes my hand, but I am motivated to take the perfect photo. I stand there out in the cold hoping the natural coruscation will not diminish when the heavy clouds start to sprinkle. The bulb looks like it is gently levitating in the atmosphere, while I am ready to harness its glowing effect. The luminescent light emitted from the glowing light bulb depicts the growing anticipation of the future. My hand represents my care and embrace for the future. The light represents the hope for the future, which is often hidden in the dark shadows. I look within the darkness to see the spark of warm hope illuminating.

  • I look at my photography from vantages to portray the subject’s unique strength/personality. I strive to capture a scene/emotion that is unleashed at that moment to transport others into my world. By being observant, it has allowed me to discover beauty in my daily life through the minutia of details.



