Lonely in Vegas

Sara T.

  • This picture was drawn in micron pen on an 8x12 piece of multimedia paper from an image of my brother in a hotel room. In the image, he is holding his phone and staring blankly at the wall. I was struck as he seemed so alone. On vacation in a room with his family and yet alone. When I came across this image in the shared photo album I have with my family I was struck by this feeling of solitude as I felt that I myself had been feeling similarly throughout the year. I had been living under the same circumstances I always had, with the same friends, and the same family but nevertheless feeling isolated. Maybe it was that I was depressed or even a little bit stressed but either way that was how I felt. Initially in the photo of my brother, there is a view of the busy city of Las Vegas behind the window, but that felt too crowded to me. I instead replaced this loudness with a quiet forest. Somewhere where I felt I could be brought comfort and ease, even in a place of solitude.

    Throughout the process of creating this piece, I learned a lot about the beauty and importance of texture in line design, creating a variety of shapes and patterns that I believe help to captivate the viewer and spend just a little bit more time, looking it over for undiscovered details.

  • This past year has been the most difficult so far. As a Junior, combined stresses of classes, social issues, and problems in the home have impacted me heavily, even bringing me as far as having to switch schools. Expressing myself has brought me light in the dark, and a passage to expression.




My Dream Casa