Light In The Midst Of Darkness

Mruthula M.

  • Light in the Midst of Darkness

    Medium: Phone Camera

    For this contest, I decided to submit a photo I took during my vacation to our ancestral place. Due to the pandemic, I was unable to go there for 3 years and felt sad that I wasn’t able to see my relatives. I feel that this image perfectly captures what was going on during those three years of living in a pandemic. It shows that even in the darkness, there will always be light to help lead the way and guide you out of the dark. The darkness of the image represents the sorrow I felt due to the pandemic impacting our travel plans and not being able to see my close relatives. The mountains represent the challenges we faced and conquered while being confined to our home such as distance-learning and social distancing. The light represents the finish line, with the pandemic slowly decreasing and our lives slowly going back to the way it was before the pandemic hit.

  • Exploring and expressing my creativity helps me discover new mediums to work with and allows me to experiment with new supplies. It also shows me that some change is good and that I don’t always need to stick to the norm to create work that I am proud of.


Robbery In Vain

