Robbery In Vain

Jayden M.

  • The story behind this image is that I wanted to create an image in the style of Gregory Crewdson, one of my favorite artists. I spent several weeks planning the location, props, time of day, and composition in order to achieve the cinematic and movie production style that I was going for. The image features an unnamed person running away from a presumably getaway vehicle to escape a robbery. I wanted some of the storyline in the image to be left up to interpretation by the viewer. In addition, I wanted to create a sense of urgency. In doing so, I used various props including prop movie money, Salvador Dali masks, a sparkler, and a briefcase. The money and mask on the dashboard of the car, the headlights on the car, and the sparkler all add to this sense of urgency. I also illuminated the front of the image in order to give the appearance of several more vehicles approaching (maybe police cars?). This not only immerses the viewer into the image from a different perspective but also puts more of the storyline up to interpretation. I took the shot at approximately 7-8 pm at night. It took several hours over the course of days in order to time the image right without the sparkler fading or the money flying away. The warehouse was chosen intentionally in order to create an overwhelming sense of fear and uncertainty. I titled the image Robbery in Vain in order to convey the storyline of the foiled robbery plans that are happening in the image.

  • Exploring and expressing my creativity helps me discover new mediums to work with and allows me to experiment with new supplies. It also shows me that some change is good and that I don’t always need to stick to the norm to create work that I am proud of.




Light In The Midst Of Darkness