Late Night Talks

Anika S.

  • I love to come up with characters and make stories around them. I try to bring out their personalities through their demeanor, clothing, and features. With this piece, I wanted to work on a background as well, with more emphasis on lighting so it seems more life-like. I worked on keeping my characters and background fit in with each other, so the result would look more realistic, in a way. Originally, this piece was set in the daytime, with louder colors, but I wanted to experiment with more dramatic lighting and muted tones, so I decided to change the setting to night. I’m really happy with how it turned out, and completing this piece gave me a lot of confidence during a time I was really insecure with my art. When I was in the process of sketching out this artwork, I had just moved to a new country and felt isolated from everyone around me. I missed my friends back in India and I longed to have those late night conversations outside tea shops with them again. Inspired by those emotions, I created a drawing of two girls gossiping outside a little dessert shop. I didn’t want the piece to be too muted, so I tried to keep a more upbeat tone with the colorful outfits and background elements. While the finished piece had a slightly more futuristic feel than my own memories, I still feel a sense of nostalgia while looking at it.

  • Art has always been a larger part of my life. I’ve loved working with colors and paints to create characters, sceneries, paintings, you name it. It’s something I turn to when I’m stressed or bored, and it is a really empowering way for me to express my creativity and emotion.


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