
Maya K.

  • I wanted this artwork to capture the wonder and imagination that a child possesses through use of color and symbols, which are seen in the carp-kites that are flying through the train station. These kites reference a Japanese holiday, "children's day" (May 5th) which celebrates the happiness and health of kids. On this day, many families and establishments raise the Koinobori (carp-kites), where each carp on the pole represents the parents and children of a household. In the artwork, I wanted the young boy amongst the crowd of businessmen to be the only one that noticed the colorful, huge carps to portray how many people seem to lose that childish spark and imagination over time due to their lives getting busier and more hectic as they grow older.

  • Exploring and expressing my creativity is one of the biggest parts of my life. It makes me happy and confident that I can create things for my enjoyment that others may like as well.


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