
Mason L.

  • title: isolation

    The last few years has not been the best of years, so as a way to relax and end 2022 I went on a hike with a few friends. It was raining heavily so I was hesitant to bring my camera, but in the end decided to risk it. The trail went through the forest and along the way we saw a clearing with a few lone trees, so I decided to pull my camera out. It was very cold, and after a bit I ended up with this photo. Looking more closely at the scene, I was able to relate the last few years with it. To me the lone trees remind me of my time stuck at home. I saw friends, classmates, but they were so far -- just tiny boxes on a screen. As time in isolation went on, the fun in my life slowly faded. The glooming fog matched the energy I felt, reminding me of the sad, lonely times in isolation. This photo was the perfect opportunity to leave the bad times behind as we slowly transition back to normal.

    medium: digital photography

  • Photography is an adventure; it takes me to places that I would never go, and try things I would never do. Photography is a tool that allows me to appreciate and analyze life -- the atmosphere around me.




Into The Unknown