Fantasy for a Deluge

Noah S.

  • Fantasy for a Deluge

    I was inspired to sketch this piece after spending time with friends at SOMA in San Francisco. By the time all my friends had departed, it was late and torrents of rain began to drench the streets along with me. Before my trip, my parents and I planned to rendezvous at the entrance of a hotel. However, with the disorienting elements of rain (I possessed no umbrella), blinking shop signs, honking cars, drunk partygoers, and encompassing darkness that makes all buildings look the same, I could not locate the hotel. I attempted to use my phone to contact my parents to no avail, as the sounds of the city drowned out their voices on the phone’s speaker; the location services on my device also malfunctioned that night, preventing me from reorienting myself. I was lost. However, in that moment of uncertainty, I experienced a strange sensation of freedom. I was lost, yes, but I was entirely responsible for myself. I had control over my fate. Thankfully, I took note of landmarks as I hung out with my friends. With difficulty, I backtracked with the assistance of these landmarks to the hotel. The next day, I woke up with an extreme fever and was bedridden for over a week. At that time, I drew to pass the time. This piece, Fantasy for a Deluge, was my attempt to capture my pensive mindset that night. A mixture of fear, disorientation, and a sense of freedom.

  • Exploring my creativity allows me to develop interdisciplinary skills in various fields and forge new friendships with like-minded peers. Recently I undertook creative writing and a product design course. In both classes, while befriending peers, I developed my writer's voice and presentation skills.


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