Emperor Self-Portrait

Nicholas W.

  • The painting represents my journey to self-acceptance and love. I used to struggle with internalized racism at a young age. Throughout elementary and middle school I attended predominantly white schools. In an attempt to fit in, I began to hold White America on a pedestal. I created the false internal narrative that I was lesser. I didn’t want to be Chinese. I was ashamed of my last name.

    On a visit to Hong Kong, where my family is from, I instantly fell in love with the city. The city was a culmination of my Chinese identity that until then, I didn’t realize I was starved of. I ravenously pursued more information on my family history. I started the healing process, turning loathing into love.

    The iconic Jordans represent my American identity and my interest in sneaker design. The Chinese emperor's robes and pillars represent my heritage. The angle and pose aim to portray power and pride. These feelings mirror how I feel about my identity and how far I have come.

  • Creativity gives me the ability to reflect on my own thoughts and feelings. Unfortunately, thoughts and feelings don't pay rent so I also hope my creativity will lead me to a successful career in Game Design or Animation.


Year of Rabbit

